Phase 2

Friday 19th August.

We loaded the cars and left Center Parcs and headed for Disneyland Paris. It took a few hours but was a comfortable ride. We arrived at the Davy Crockett Ranch, it was too early to gain access to the accommodation but we were given our park passes so to the park we went. First stop was to the information desk to get Val’s disability pass then we wandered about seeing shows and taking rides. I even surprised myself by going on a white knuckle ride. We then had dinner in the park then drove back to the ranch and collected the keys to the billet. After unpacking and unwinding we turned in.

Saturday and Sunday we returned to the parks and had two fun filled days taking in many attractions. We had a character breakfast where we met and took many photos and William also collected autographs. Sandra had arranged a visit to the Avengers so I was all geared up to see Purdy and Emma Peel but not so, but was I disappointed? Absolutely not, I met Captain Marvel, Wow! She was lovely. Even I had to have a character photo taken.Eat your heart out John Steed and Bill move with the times.

Sunday evening we ate at the ranch before returning to the billet to pack as this is our last full day sur le continent. We sat and chilled then tuned in.

Have a slight technical hitch so I’ll some photos on the next and final blog so you’ll have to wait for me and Captain Marvel.


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