Phase 1

Forgive the first two post they are simply admin to help me set up. Also the title is a misnomer for while it’s called northern France our exploits actually started here in the UK. On Sunday 14th we drove down to Portsmouth and visited the historic dockyard. We met Steve and his family and set off exploring. First was a harbour tour seeing our two great aircraft carriers and other warships. We also saw the MV Normandy our transport to Caen. Back on shore we visited the Mary Rose and HMS Victory. Both really interesting. We then we went to the hotel to prepare ourselves for our early start the next day.

Monday 15th

Early start and we drove to the port and boarded the MV Normandy, we found our seats then prepared ourselves for our six hour voyage. It was a present trip and we arrived and disembarked and drove the two hours to Center Parcs. We found our billet then relaxed for it’s been a long day.

Photograph of our ship and our back garden


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